the truth about abs is the highest selling training e-book about six pack abs On the web , the e-book presented by Mike Geary .. certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist , So you need to read This Honest review Before you think of investing In the turth about abs .
Hey ; I’m jack, and i purchased a lot of these body changing products .. I went to the truth about abs ebook website and it seemed a bit saley, but I read on and saw that it wasnt too hard getting a six pack , So .. I had a bit of a gut on me once and thought I would give this a try.
mike Geary, the author said you dont need to do a lot of cruches every day, yet he also said that you do need to put the work in, but not as much as people make it out to look like
What Is The truth about abs e-book All About ??
The Truth About Six Pack Abs Program starts with an introduction of the various sections of the belly. I thought how boring is this. But once I read more I understood how important it is and that this will help reducing the risk of train the wrong muscles.
The main section covers over 20 highly effective abs exercises. Each exercise is illustrated with easy to follow photos. There are some abs workout I’ve never seen before. The great thing is that there are a lot of workouts can be performed at home. My favourite workout is the one with a fitness ball. After a busy day I can do some exercise at home without going to the gym.
A real surprise was the nutrition section. It’s not the same crap about low carb diets you can read in most books. It’s actually a very balanced food plan. I like it and don’t miss anything. Of course I can eat once a week a burger or something heavy without bad feelings.
Another important part in Mike Geary’s fitness book is the cardio training. I found out that I did this wrong for the last two years. He exactly illustrates what cardio you need to do and the most important part is when.
Are There any Downsides ?
The ebook is quite comprehensive and comes with a lot of bonus ebooks. It took me quite a bit of time to read through all of them. It’s definitely an overload. To my mind it’s sufficient to concentrate on the main truth about six pack abs ebook
especially the 2nd part – and the Stability Ball Killer Abs Workouts. I you have the possibility to climb stairs you should also study the Ultimate Stair Exercises e-book. It’s a great way to do workout when you work.
especially the 2nd part – and the Stability Ball Killer Abs Workouts. I you have the possibility to climb stairs you should also study the Ultimate Stair Exercises e-book. It’s a great way to do workout when you work.
What others have to say about the truth about abs ebook
Leith Carnie from Australia
"...I was running regularly and working out sometimes, but I was still getting fatter... Everything changed when I started your truth about abs program..."
Leith's changes from using TruthAboutAbs at 7 months and 11 months
I had been talking about this program for MONTHS, saying "I'll get it next pay..." Finally a friend of mine got sick of my procrastination and just bought it for me as a gift.
I began the program on the 5th of February (about a month after my Dec 25th pic). Its now 18th July and Im still going strong. So I thought I would send in my results so far.
Before I started your program, I was running regularly and working out sometimes, but I was still getting fatter.... and fatter. I didn't really notice it until my friend took a photo of me at the beach. I was horrified!!!! I knew I had to do something about it, but I couldn't move the fat.
Everything changed when I started your truth about abs program. In the 6 months I've been on the program, I've lost 25.4 kg and gone from 30% body fat down to 11% body fat.
I have been sending friends photos of my progress and then the link to your site.
I have been sending friends photos of my progress and then the link to your site.
Leith Carnie, Australia
(Update on Leith's results: as seen in his 3rd pic above, Leith has dropped even more body fat in the last 4 months, and even has six pack abs now. This just shows the changes you can make in your body if you apply the info in TruthAboutAbs. Great job Leith!)
Alex Miller from the UK
Alex before using TruthAboutAbs Alex after applying the TAA principles
Up until about 2 years ago, I used to train a lot – running and lifting weights in the gym – 3-4 times per week, each session about 2+ hours. I was getting stronger and stronger and my distance running was improving a lot but I could never shift the fat.. no matter how hard I tried.
I then came across TruthAboutAbs and Mike Geary online and that's when everything changed. I changed my running workouts completely and started doing his style of interval training instead and combined this with his unusual workout plans for weights (which are amazing by the way)– I now spend half the time in the gym (3 x 1hrs per week) and get at least 3-5x better results.
I then came across TruthAboutAbs and Mike Geary online and that's when everything changed. I changed my running workouts completely and started doing his style of interval training instead and combined this with his unusual workout plans for weights (which are amazing by the way)– I now spend half the time in the gym (3 x 1hrs per week) and get at least 3-5x better results.
I'm now 8.7% body fat whereas 2 years ago I was 14-15%. At one point, I weighed 203 pounds, now I weigh 168 pounds and have never been in better shape. Thank you so much Mike!
Alex Miller, UK
Update on Alex: The 3rd picture above is the most recent picture that Alex sent me, and as you can see, he has made even more dramatic improvements as time has gone on! Congrats Alex!
"...When I started I was 190 lbs, waist 35 inches, bench was 165lbs. I'm now 175 lbs, with a waist of 33 inches, and benching 225lbs..."
I'm now 175 lbs, with a waist of 33 inches, and benching 225lbs. Your full body workouts are some of the best I've ever used. I'm also making much better food choices now based on your advice and staying away from the junk I used to have trouble with. Thanks for everything.
John P. Hembree, Sergeant, US Military
"...I am down now to between 7-8% body fat (according to my Tanita scale), have lost a total of 3-4 inches in the waist..."
John before using TruthAboutAbs John in recent pic (great job John!)
Hello Mike,
Thanks for your ebook Truth About Abs. I used it in the first 5 months or so this year and had great results! I attached pictures for you to see the progress I've made so far.
Thanks for your ebook Truth About Abs. I used it in the first 5 months or so this year and had great results! I attached pictures for you to see the progress I've made so far.
Anyway, I am down now to between 7-8% body fat (according to my Tanita scale), have lost a total of 3-4 inches in the waist, lost a total of about 24 lbs, and got my 6 pack abs! I do have a lot of people ask me about weight loss supplements, but I have started telling people to forget it and get your book instead. Thanks,
John Howlett
President, Healthy-Sunshine, Inc.
President, Healthy-Sunshine, Inc.
"...I was also just reading over the nutrition section of your book and I'm very impressed with the detail given..."
Thanks Mike for an excellent book! Most of the information you gave is actually new to me despite other books I've read. I've been working out quite a bit lately, but I realized from your book that I was not working out very effectively, and was wasting a lot of my time with poor exercises.
I was also just reading over the nutrition section of your book and I'm very impressed with the detail given, particularly since diet has been a confusing topic for me. You really made it all seem a lot more simple, and I learned a lot. Thanks for a great resource!
-Jared Mohamed, New York, NY
"...I'm well on my way to reaching my goal of losing 40 lbs of body fat..."
Hi Mike,
I have just finished reading your book and I must say that it is remarkable! It has truly taught me a lot. Also, thanks so much for your response to my questions. That to me shows that you are actually in this to truly help people like me succeed in the fat loss battle. I'm more confident than ever that I'm well on my way to reaching my goal of losing 40 lbs of body fat. Thank you,
Jini Keller, Blair, Nebraska
"...a no nonsense approach to developing a lean ripped body ..."
With all of the useless ab information being promoted today I figured this was just one of a long line of books, or gadgets, that prove to be long on promises, but short on delivery. But the word "Truth" in the title of the book piqued my curiosity, so I decided to buy the book, and after reading it I was impressed with the amount of practical information on conditioning and ab development.
If you are looking for a no nonsense approach to developing a lean ripped body then you really need to look no further. Mike's strategy of employing full body training techniques comprised of multi-joint exercises delivers a highly effective fat burning program.
-Karl A. Charlson
Grosse Ile, MI
"...In only two weeks I can already see results..."
So I purchased the book, read it, and have now begun to implement the advice. In only two weeks I can already see results. Although I'm already fairly lean, I've struggled for six years to get rid of the last bit of stomach fat caused by pregnancy. But finally there's been a breakthrough. The area is noticeably firmer and I'm already feeling so much better about myself. I can see that if a person follows all of the advice in Mike's book, then they will achieve results. He knows what he's talking about and it is so refreshing to have someone pass on the knowledge that's actually going to work.
-Jacqui L., New Zealand
"...After starting your workouts, I'm already a few inches down on my waist, but have also gotten stronger at the same time, and added some muscle to my arms and chest..."
Mike, you are the man. I have got to give it up to you because I'm finally getting results like I've never seen before. I have learned so much and actually look forward to going to the gym and working out now. I was the skinny-fat dude that never really lifted and hit the tread mill a couple times a week. After starting your workouts, I'm already a few inches down on my waist, but have also gotten stronger at the same time, and added some muscle to my arms and chest.
Before starting your program, I used to hit the gym almost every day with no results, it was so discouraging. Now I only hit the gym three times a week and I feel in great shape. I also love the free time that I'm getting. I'm probably at the gym only 30 to 40 mins tops and then I have the rest of the day to get stuff done, it's great! I just wanted to say thank you and I will keep you posted with my results.
Demetrio Diaz, San Jose, CA
" suits and jeans are fitting a little bit looser in the waist areas, so I'm excited that I'm finally making progress with the extra flab around my waist..."
Hi Mike,
I have been adapting my lifestyle and workout routines based on your guidelines in your program, and am making some pretty good progress over the last few weeks. I started off at 185 lbs and am currently 180 lbs while feeling stronger at the same time. I wear 33" pants and have started seeing that my suits and jeans are fitting a little bit looser in the waist areas, so I'm excited that I'm finally making progress with the extra flab around my waist.
I have had a great time with the interesting multi joint exercises you recommend and I can really feel them throughout my whole body, as well as getting quite a cardio-pump from them. I never thought I could get that type of cardio-pump from "non-cardio" exercise. Thanks for all of your help!
Kevin McGowen, Nassau, Bahamas
"...I've already lost about 25 lbs of fat and have actually gotten stronger in my whole body at the same time..."
When I first found Mike's website and read the description of his "Six Pack Abs" book, I figured the exercises would be far too vigorous for me since I'm severely overweight (more than 100 lbs overweight). So I emailed Mike to see if his program could help someone as heavily overweight as me. Not only did he get back to me quickly, but his response was so motivating and encouraging, I was literally blown away! I have never had someone speak to me the way Mike did with such genuine interest and belief that I CAN beat my obesity problem and live a long healthy life in a new slimmer body.
I'm still not able to do the advanced exercises in Mike's book (although I'll work up to them eventually), but he's taught me how to use the concepts from his book to modify the routines so they can work for me for fat loss. And boy do they ever work!
HERE ARE THE BIGGEST CHANGES I am feeling in my life, since being on the exercise and diet programs in Mike's book for nearly 1 & 1/2 months now:
1) I've already lost about 25 lbs of fat and have actually gotten stronger in my whole body at the same time!
2) I am able to sleep much better at night, instead of waking up like I used to.
3) I wake up early in the morning and feel like I actually have energy to get through the day. And I feel full of energy all day long now!
4) I no longer have that sluggish, tired, dazed feeling anymore.
5) I am able to do more things than I never could before, and at a much greater ease than before!
6) I am beginning to feel better and more confident about myself and I am motivated to succeed!
2) I am able to sleep much better at night, instead of waking up like I used to.
3) I wake up early in the morning and feel like I actually have energy to get through the day. And I feel full of energy all day long now!
4) I no longer have that sluggish, tired, dazed feeling anymore.
5) I am able to do more things than I never could before, and at a much greater ease than before!
6) I am beginning to feel better and more confident about myself and I am motivated to succeed!
Thank you so much Mike for your excellent book and more importantly your genuine interest in helping me succeed. You're the first person that's ever been able to motivate me to change my lifestyle for good. And now I'm absolutely hooked!
Your friend for life,
James Majors, Miami, Florida"
"...Your book and your encouraging e-messages have changed my life..."
Dear Mike,
I bought your book a couple of months ago, "The Truth About Six Pack Abs" because you promised me that even if the exercises were too difficult for me, that the nutritional information alone would be worth the cost. After reading through everything I can honestly say that you kept your promise and then some.
I have struggled with my weight and every fad-diet out there since I gave up smoking in 1983. Your book and your encouraging e-messages have changed my life. I could type for days about all that you have taught me in the last couple of months. So far, I have already lost 23 lbs of body fat and couldn't be more thrilled!
I am not sure why your wonderful, easy-to-understand book finally got through to me where other resources failed, but for some reason, it did! There is no way to describe how excited I am about my progress, emotionally and physically. So to you my (new) friend, I say, Thank you so much for helping me be stronger, leaner and healthier today than I was yesterday. I am expecting many more todays to come because of you. I owe you big-time!
Many blessings and peace to you,
Margo Benson, Elk Grove, California.
"...your crazy workouts are giving me much better results than I used to get..."
Hi Mike,
You are the best! I've learned so much important stuff from your emails and your book... it's amazing! I'm already eating better from what you've taught me and your crazy workouts are giving me much better results than I used to get. Thanks again,
Amber Smith, Vandalia, Ohio
"...I was blown away by the amount of quality information packed into the entire program..."
Wow. After being only a few pages into Mike's Truth About Six Pack Abs book, I said to myself "this guy really knows what he's talking about." After reading the entire book I was blown away by the amount of quality information packed into the entire program.
Second to none was Mike's personal attention he gave to me when I had a couple questions. You can tell that he truly cares that you get the results you were looking for. You really do get HUNDREDS of dollars of information for a small price. An EXTREMLY good deal and excellent customer service! Thanks again Mike.
Nicholas Dukes, Niagara Falls, NY
"for a couple months now and the workouts are great and my body is really starting to look ripped..."
I am recovering from a shoulder operation, so I emailed Mike to see if he could help me. Not only did Mike respond to my questions almost immediately, he gave me further information which has benefited me greatly.
I've been working with Mike's full body workouts for a couple months now and the workouts are great and my body is really starting to look ripped. From stumbling across Mike's website, to buying his book, to becoming one of Mike's students, I couldn't recommend Mike or his products more highly.
Alan O. - Liverpool, England
Alan O. - Liverpool, England
"...and working on my core muscles, I noticed, in as little as 2 weeks, that my body had changed for the better..."
After attending the gym for over 6 years, it became apparent I needed to change my routine. Working on the same eliptical equipment and various machines for years caused me to plateau. I decided to give Mike Geary's core and strength training a try and truly had instant success! While applying the strength exercises with free weights and working on my core muscles, I noticed, in as little as 2 weeks, that my body had changed for the better!
My muscles were being sculpted and I was getting my heart rate up faster than when I worked out on the cardio machines. I also strengthened areas of my neck and back that were weak from past sports injuries and can now lift weights and work on exercises without injury! I have experienced great results that have motivated my work outs and revived my routine! I also have more energy! Thanks to Mike's Truth About Abs book and his training, my body, at 41, feels stronger than it ever has. I challenge anyone to read Mike's book and apply his methods of exercise. It will change your body and energy level too.
-Jennifer M., Mount Laurel, NJ
"Hey Mike, you are awesome. My husband and I received your Abs book recently and we love it! We've also been finding your email newsletters to be full of so much useful information. We are so glad we found your website. Keep all of the good info coming. It is really helping us to live healthier lifestyles and get better results. Thanks!
Harry and Vivian Creacy, San Antonio, Texas
"...I've been on your suggested lean muscle diet in your book for 3 weeks now and am starting to lose a decent amount of the fat around my waist..."
Mike, I really have enjoyed your informative book. I'm 56 years old and have lifted and worked out and tried different diets for the past 15 years or so with mixed results. I'm trying to maintain my muscle weight and lose the extra fat I have. I've been on your suggested lean muscle diet in your book for 3 weeks now and am starting to lose a decent amount of the fat around my waist, so your program seems to be working well. Thanks for offering this book. It has been a big help.
Danny Darnall, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
"Hi Mike. I have just ordered and read your Truth about Six Pack Abs e-book and it is the best on abs and total body training I have read....."
-William H. (working in Iraq with law enforcement training)
" really motivated me more than anything else I've come across..."
Hi Mike, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all of your info. After I received your Six Pack Abs program and read through the whole thing a couple times, it really motivated me more than anything else I've come across. I haven't worked out in years, so I started at the beginner level. Even at that level, the workouts are really working me hard and I feel it throughout my whole body. I hope to work into the advanced routines soon.
I know it will take some discipline to get the fat loss results I want, but I have traded my cookies and cream ice cream for some of the healthier (yet still tasty) foods and snacks that you recommend. Thanks again for the motivation and a great book!
-Frank Crum, Akron, Ohio
"...I was able to lose 19 lbs in just 8 weeks...this after being stuck at the same weight for years..."
Mike, I wanted to thank you for helping me to finally lose the weight that I've been trying to get rid of for years. By following your workout routines and healthy diet tips, I was able to lose 19 lbs in just 8 weeks...this after being stuck at the same weight for years! Now, I'm excited for swim-suit season for the first time in a long while!
-Debbie R., Cherry Hill, NJ
"Thanks Mike. I read your Truth about Six Pack Abs book last evening. Well done for an excellent product that explains things clearly and logically."
- Gary S., South Africa
"...I did the level 1 work out today, and I have to say, WOW! I can really feel my abs!"
Hello Mike,
I have just finished reading your ebook, and I have to say that it's GREAT! I have learned a lot. There are a lot of misconceptions that I had throughout the years; however, your thorough explanation has set me straight. By the way, I did the level 1 work out today, and I have to say, WOW! I can really feel my abs!
Helsa Wong, Canada
Helsa Wong, Canada
Exclusive Bonus
I used this ebook along with The Truth About Abs program to really kick start my success and without it I might well have found myself falling into the same pitfalls that held me back in the past.
The ebook goes for $19.99 but fortunately for you I have persuaded Mike to let me offer this as a bonus with The Truth About Abs.
Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body (a $17.95 value), with loads and loads of lean-body tips you can start to use right away for finally losing your stubborn stomach fat!
Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body (a $17.95 value), with loads and loads of lean-body tips you can start to use right away for finally losing your stubborn stomach fat!
- Tips to supercharge your metabolism
- Killer Nutrition secrets to give you that edge.
- Training methods most personal trainers DO NOT want you to know
- How to strip body fat fast
- The BEST nutritional strategies for leanness
- just e-mail me after you ordered the truth about abs .. Here